Work has begun to build five new homes on the site of the former Kings Arms Pub on Mile Cross.

We are working with our client Norwich City Council, and their Development Agent Broadland Development Services, to deliver the new timber framed homes. The new homes have been designed to be more energy efficient than the current standards required by Building Regulations, and adopt a fabric first approach.

Councillor Gail Harris, Norwich City Council’s cabinet member for social housing, said: “This project not only meets the council’s priorities of building and maintaining good-quality social housing to meet demand, but it also gives us the opportunity to repurpose and adapt a problem site into something positive for Norwich residents. This is a great development for the city and adds to the city council’s growing housing stock.”

Andrew Savage, executive development director at Broadland Housing Association, said: “We are delighted to be project managing this new site for Norwich City Council to develop these much-needed new homes for the people of Norwich.”